Monday, July 30, 2007

The first post

It is my first weekday in the real world outside of camp and guess where I am? That's right, at home. Sometime today I have to go search for a job, maybe in a couple of hours. There's a couple of office supply stores in town that might be hiring and I know if I take the freeway near my house for about ten to fifteen minutes, give or take five minutes, there's an outlet mall that has a shit ton of stores hiring. I know because I went there yesterday with my mom. Exciting huh? One of my friends from high school, one of the few I've kept up with says that where he's working (at the mall) is in need of a couple more people and that they pay better than minimum wage to start out with. The only problem is that they are probably hiring for something a bit longer than the month I have between now and the time I go back to school. I'm not doing the commuting thing either. There's no way the transportation would ever work. I can cross my fingers though. So on today's agenda: find nice enough clothes to look for job in, get dressed in those clothes, and go job hunting which requires more driving around the area than I really have any interest in doing, but hey, I need to find a job. It's not like my parents will abandon me on the (figurative) streets if I can't find a job, but I will have to live with not having any money for the school year and my mother's constant nagging about not having a job. Plus the job will give me something to do during the day, a reason to get up before noon.

I think that's enough for today. Feel free to leave comments.